Story Excerpt
Fangs & All

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"Yo, Kane, there's some guy out here asking about a bouncer job."

Kane rolled his head, hearing a distinct popping sound as his neck realigned itself. He rubbed the nap of his neck trying to massage away the rest of the tension gathering there. Sometimes he hated owning a bar.

Nights like tonight were a perfect example. It seemed like almost every worker he employed tried to call in sick just before shift started, his weekly alcohol delivery was over two hours late, and the doors on the bar were due to open in less than forty five minutes.

And now someone wanted a job?

"Yo, Kane," the voice shouted again, "what do you want me to tell this guy?"

Kane opened his mouth to shout back an angry retort, catching himself just in time. He snapped his mouth closed and pushed his hand through his thick curls, tugging a little at the ends as if he could pull his worries away with his fingers.

He stared down at the pile of bills and paperwork on his desk and shook his head. His mind just wasn't in it. The bar was due to open soon and he needed to collect himself before that happened or he'd end up decking the first drunk bastard that looked at him wrong.

Kane tossed his pen down on the desk and stood. He'd better find out who wanted to see him before business started or he'd never get the chance. He made his way out to the main room, his eyes immediately scanning the room and assessing the shape of things.

Doors still closed?


Room clean and organized?


Gorgeous muscle bound sex god in tight jeans?


Kane's eyes snapped back to the bar. His cock hardened and throbbed against the confines of his black jeans faster than it ever had in his life as he took in the tall striking figure standing by the bar counter.

Hot damn!

Breathtaking didn't even begin to describe the man. He stood several inches over the other men in the room, making him easily seen by Kane. The muscles rippling under the man's tight white cotton shirt quickened Kane's pulse. His powerful body moved with a sensual gracefulness Kane wouldn't have expected in a man his size.

And if his pants hugged his ass any tighter the guy would lose consciousness from lack of oxygen to his brain. But, damn, the ass was the tightest rounded ass Kane ever saw. Kane really liked fucking asses like that.

If he added in the shoulders that seemed as wide as a barn and the thick bulging muscles, Kane knew he was looking at the man of his dreams. And he hadn't even looked above the man's collar yet.

When he did, Kane was beyond stunned. He didn't figure a man that had the body of a Greek God could have a face of an angel. His lips were firm and sensual, his smooth tanned skin stretched over high cheekbones.

A lock of dishwater blond hair fell over his forehead, his light hair a deep contrast to his tanned skin. Kane thumped his hard cock then walked across the room, his sights set on the man staring back at him with moss green eyes.

He was so fucked.

And if he was lucky, so was the man he had in his sights.

"Garret Kane, what can I do for you?" I have a few ideas I could suggest.

"My name is Samuel Harden. I'm looking for work," the man said, his voice low and smooth and just husky enough to send shivers of delight down Kane's spine. "I have experience as a bouncer, beer bartender, and prep cook. Do you have any positions available?"

Kane muffled a groan by biting his lip. This was just too easy. He flexed his fingers to keep for reaching for the Samuel. He wanted to drag the massive man back to his office, bend him over his desk, and find out how many positions they could discover together.

Samuel's eyes narrowed in on the lip caught between Kane's teeth. A light flush filled his face and his eyes seem to widen just a fraction before they darted away. Kane smirked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"I may have a few…uh…positions you might be interested in," Kane drawled. He couldn't believe the crap that came out of his mouth. That was the worst pick up line he'd ever heard.

"Uh, thank you, sir."


Just damn!

Kane breathed deeply then instantly wished he hadn't. The strong scent of male sweat and arousal filled his nostrils. There seemed to be an underlying scent that curled right around Kane's cock and drove him insane. He'd never smelled anything so sweet and yet masculine in his life. He could bottle the stuff and make millions—if he were willing to share.

He wasn't.

"Why don't you come back to my office and we can talk." It was a statement, not a question. Kane didn't ask questions. He was too used to giving orders and being instantly obeyed. Maybe it had gone to his head but he wasn't about to change that now, not even for a man that looked like sex-on-a-stick.